Saturday, November 28, 2009

Fight for YOUR Health!

Just as most of us were getting ‘fired up’ about the impending Sick Care legislation, I penned my last Breakthrough Newsletter/Blog. Some of your responses were amazing.

The following was submitted by none other than Mr. Steve Perillo- Perillo Tours CEO- Mr. Italy Jr. Aside from running Perillo Tours and being an accomplished classical composer/recording artist; Steve also hosts his own talk show.

And while not being an unabashed ‘health nut’ like myself, Steve eats and supplements wisely AND he works out regularly.

He writes the following in response to Russell’s True Health Care Bill:

HERE! HERE! Right on!
Imagine exercise and diet credits! . . . like a ‘good driver’ getting lower insurance rates.

50% of all kids born today will get juvenile diabetes?

Even if that’s a huge exaggeration, 5% of kids getting that would be absurd.

Sorry to say, if you let market forces go wild, with no oversight, this is what we get . . . 150 pound, ten year olds playing video games all day while eating Coco-Puffs, unable to go outside because they need their parents to drive them everywhere. Our ‘junk culture’ is killing our children!

Sorry we’re too stupid to oversee ourselves because now we need laws to force us to behave:
1)Restrict amount of sugar in products
2)No sugar at all in schools
3)Sidewalks and bike-lanes mandatory for all new suburban constructions
4)No school bussing if you live within 1 mile of school
5)Food stamps only good for certain food purchases
6)Stop farm subsidies (corn) that promote tons of cheap, hormone and antibiotic invested beef and poultry.

The corporations don’t care. Just the opposite. They’re incentivized to create customer addictions!

They have multi-million dollar labs that study how to turn consumers into those lab rats . . . pawing the ‘more cocaine button’ until they kill themselves.

And what’s addicting? Fat, salt and carbs. And for some reason those are the cheapest materials to put on the table! (See corn subsidies!)

McDonalds is currently the cheapest way to feed a family of 4 . . . $12! Fruits and vegetables cost way more than that to feed the same family.

We used to be a lean, mean country . . . No mas!

Like me, Steve has an objective advantage over our lawmakers in Washington. He’s not a lawyer who has been elected to public office. He’s not ‘beholding’ to any self-serving lobby groups.

Don’t shrug off this topic. Think it through and come up with YOUR Personal Wellness Plan. Remember- once your Body is weakened by all the drugs and junk food being pumped into it, YOUR Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Strength is sure to follow.

The so called ‘greatest country in the history of the world’, the country that has sacrificed many thousands of lives to keep our freedom, the land of the free and the home of the brave is SICK. The corrupt money gods are creating wealth for themselves but force-feeding us a steady diet of dead, nutrition-less foods just to fill our bellies.

The ENEMY is within and it ain’t just a bunch of crazed terrorists. In the same way We The People have fought for our Freedom, we must fight for our HEALTH!

As my friend David DeNotaris always says, “Make it a Great Day”...bye4now...

Your friend (iC),
Russell Jones


  1. You're a smart guy Russell Jones. (that should be sung to the same tune as You're a Mean one Mr. Grinch)

    You really are a star!

  2. Nice job, Russell Jones. Health nut or not, we simply need to understand and execute the basics of sensible nutrition and health. keep it coming.

  3. The real war on drugs needs to be fought against Coke, Pepsi and the like. I'm in... let's begin the battle.
