Sunday, November 22, 2009

Russell’s True Health Care Bill

Okay,okay,okay (say it really fast like Leo Getz in Lethal Weapon2) help me here. The government is taking over Health Care in the United States.

First of all, there never was Health Care in the United States only Sick Care. And Sick Care is needed and we need a lot of it. ‘Preventative medicine’ is just a buzzword for ‘testing to see if you are Sick yet’.

WE THE PEOPLE have brought this on ourselves through ignorance and laziness. My Mother taught me a long time ago that we have to be proactively in charge of our own health. The early ‘health food nuts’ and ‘fitness crazies’ were Right. But we all have to come to grips with the fact that none of us are getting out of here alive.

We have to realize a few things:

1- The majority of ‘foods’ on the shelf in our grocery stores are g-a-r-b-a-g-e. It’s legal but it shouldn’t be. Most food processing companies are driven by 1 thing and that is Profit (for themselves and you who hold stock). As has been pointed out many times before---- if whatever you are buying has Sugar in any of its forms, White Flour or Chemical Additives, you are setting yourself and your family up for sickness, disease and pre-mature death.

2- Most Doctors DO know their *ss from their elbow- and that’s a good thing. However, 99.9% of the doctors we come across Specialize in something other than nutrition. Yet many dispense nutritional opinions and most of us buy their opinions.

And the Nutritionists I’ve met are too concerned with counting Calories and the Fat content of foods that they miss the boat when it comes to Fresh, Wholesome Foods from a variety of Natural sources. And they do not have a handle on Natural Supplementation. Methinks they ‘compromise’ too much and need to raise the standards and expectations. Nutrition Experts need to get radical and scream out ‘warnings’ to our culture. Also, the food pyramid and its various versions have not worked.

3- Pharmaceutical Companies do not have a moral compass. The researchers might but Drug Companies are driven by 1 thing and that is Profit (for themselves and you who hold stock). They are the best and worst of what big business is all about. They have had a huge hand in crafting our Drug Culture. They have pushed their ‘miracle cures’ on the medical community and on WE THE PEOPLE to a degree that is almost unfathomable.
Some of the stuff works but most are nonsense- the side effects alone are embarrassing.

4- Insurance Companies do not have a moral compass. I believe in free enterprise but Insurance Companies are so unscrupulous they NEED regulation. Insurance Companies are driven by 1 thing and that is Profit (for themselves and you who hold stock).

5- Government has a real hard time acting objectively when it comes to Most issues. Partisan politics has our elected officials voting the Party line. Lobbyists influence all levels of government and are only interested in furthering the interests of those who Pay them.

Someone has proposed that whatever the government gives us in Health (Sick) Insurance, that all elected officials would have to use it as well.

6- Lawyers! They are so intertwined in all of the above that they can make a well person sick. And they would figure out a way that it would be ‘prejudicial and unjust’ to treat someone who abuses their health any differently than someone who makes the effort to take care of themselves.

So this is what I’m going to use to start Russell’s True Health Care Bill. I’m borrowing it from Arthur Dreschler as he wrote in the November 2009 Association of Oldetime Barbell & Strongmen Newsletter:

While there are many issues regarding the health of this nation’s citizens, and that of people throughout the world, and change is going on all around us, at least one thing remains true. Progressive resistance exercise is one of the greatest discoveries in human history. It has the ability to heal the sick, strengthen the weak, inspire the downtrodden and transform the body and soul. Its benefits are available to all, without exception. And when such training is combined with sound dietary practices and abstinence from debilitating practices, such as the use of alcohol and drugs, a recipe for a longer and a more vigorous life is created. NOTHING MORE IS NEEDED, BUT NOTHING LESS IS SUFFICIENT.

… Nothing would benefit the health of the nation more quickly and completely, or reduce our health care costs more surely, that the widespread adoption of regular (ideally progressive) exercise, a sound diet and the avoidance of dissipation. Given this we should all redouble our efforts to extol the virtues of exercise and other sound health practices, while at the same time ASSURING THAT WE ARE EACH LIVING EXAMPLES OF WHAT WE ESPOUSE.

I know I left out the rest of My Son- the Experiment :( & Cardio as well… next time?

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

As my friend David DeNotaris always says, “Make it a Great Day”...bye4now...

Your friend (iC),
Russell Jones

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